(To react to messages using the image of an expressive squirrel).
My qualifications: I have an entire album in my photos dedicated just to squirrels, I live near UC Berkeley (known for squirrels). This is my version of what you should respond with when you don't know what to say.
Times you should use SQUIRREL:
- A boy is texting you in that atrocious/flirtatious boyish way? = SQUIRREL
- Someone wants to make plans but you feel like a _______ (squirrel)? = SQUIRREL
- You're friend's an awkward texter? = SQUIRREL
- YOU'RE an awkward texter? = SQUIRREL
- Your friend uses emojis you don't have the energy to start translating? = SQUIRREL
The only time I wouldn't use a SQUIRREL would be to your grandparents. They're gonna assume that you took that picture and then it just starts to feel like a lie. But answering with SQUIRREL is literally the most innocent alternative ever.
- Find SQUIRRELS on Pinterest
- DO NOT try to explain the squirrel (SQUIRREL means you send an image and nothing else)
- If you don't think squirrels resonate with your personality, please choose a different animal (that isn't a dog or cat).