I am a self proclaimed winter hater, but with each year I find it harder and harder to harbor that hatred as I grow older and find loveliness easier to detect. There is something I find so special about a freezing cold day following a fresh snow where the sky is bight blue and the sun is doubled in reflections off the snow. Today was one of those days and accompanied by my uniqlo heat tech, prescription sunglasses (we love seeing), extra warm mittens and a runny nose I took a walk in the sunshine for the first time in weeks.
I really dislike winter and cold weather, but I have to admit that snow is so pretty and cozy. Love the way it makes the air smell, and how quiet it is. And a sunny morning the day after a snowy day? Perfection.
So glad to be out of the grey and gloom and have the sun shining on my face. Feeling the cool air against my skin while the sky is bright makes me so happy. Finally, I know, winter will be coming to an end.
this is one of this annoying things that actually makes a difference and makes your mom say I told you so. there's something about a made bed that makes me feel like my life is just that little bit more together and getting into a made bed at night is one of my top 10 favorite mundane experiences.
potatoes, oysters, mussels, beaches, dunes, lush fields, childhood dreams of anne of green gables fulfilled. amazing food, incredibly kind people, and beautiful landscapes. truly what more can you ask for.