This month, I’m not passing the bechdel test.
Coy: he used to work for Mr.Beast and quit after the ton of allegations he received which I respect. His videos are entertaining and I think he’s funny.
Mitch Marsico . Discovered because of a rec made in here. I plan on making a marathon on the videos he has very soon. I really sensed last year that people have been yearning for old YouTube and he evokes that.
Gogo Marquez: Mexican content creator. He does vlogs and has a very strong notion of who he is, which I appreciate.
AsmrNirvana: I don’t watch a ton of male asmartists but he really has the perfect voice. It’s very soft.
The only woman On this list unfortunately, for now, is Sarah Seriff. She’s been making this cute deep dives on children media. It’s so pure and I love her and the way she presents the ideas down to the concept originally imagined by the author.