when I was learning english and struggled to understand the meaning of new words in a conversation, my teacher told me most of english words sound exactly like what they mean, i.e. bark, meow, rotten, sniff and moist. Now I notice it everytime and my ears are for a treat!!
Is there a word better than “gloomy”?
Phonetically it sounds so cute and modern, but it looks kinda formal or antiquated when written out. Also the way it can be used to describe a feeling and/or a type of weather is fun
This is my most hated word even the sound it makes is foul but I suppose it‘s strongly evocative of its meaning in that sense.
yummy, tummy, veg, other cutesy self-infantilizing Molly-Baz-core shortened words
my solution for most situations. sad? have a cup of tea. tired? have a cup of tea. had a great day? no better way to end it than with a strong cup of tea. i use joko (a South African tea brand) and add two sugars and milk.
I love stuff and i love hanging onto things. I love that i have a stack of letters my friends and i wrote and passed back and forth in class at 13 years old. I love that i still have the fake menu my best friend and i made when we were 8 for our fake restaurant that only served bug-based dishes. I love that i have a drunk love note scrawled on toilet paper at 3 in the morning in 2012. seemingly meaningless things like this from my past help remind me that I’ve actually led a wonderfully full life despite often feeling like I’ve not done enough.