Yeah I have my favorites that I gravitate more towards, but jumping around between fiction & nonfiction & all the sub-genres therein keeps things ✨fun✨
… and actually enjoying it. In the past year i’ve finally nailed down my taste/hit a groove with pleasure reading and now I can’t stop. I do a lot of reading recs in a way that I almost feel self-conscious about but I can’t contain it - truly bringing me crazy amounts of peace in my life right now.
When I was 19-22ish, I spent a lot of time reading what I thought I *should* be reading and ending up spending 3 months trudging through a book just to say I did. I blame Red Scare Podcast. Why was I 19 thinking i needed to read Houellebeq and Lasch?
Now I fly through pages and (mostly) love it all. or feel like I got something from it at least. Right now I‘m reading Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver and loving it, can spend hours at a time with it. My favorite book is probably If on a winters night a traveler by Italo Calvino. Happy to get more recs always.
this is worthy of celebration: the lack of video—autoplay video, noisy inane video, panicky video, algorithmic, dumb video, rabbit hole video, any video—on is a good thing