Listen, I've watched Little Women about ten times but FOR SOME REASON, only a couple days ago when watching it with a best friend did we both start crying. We had both watched the movie many times before, but i guess this specific time in our life where this movie found us hit different. She's in her first year in college and I'm in my gap. The overwhelming feeling of loneliness that can take over when entering a new phase in your life is UNMATCHED, and jo's monologue just hit. Watching the movie, there are these very evident hard cuts between the warmth of childhood and coldness of the present, BUT when you actually think about it, can you recall the moment in the movie it BECOMES the present, and the color shifts? Probably not, because time is subtle. You don't wake up and suddenly realize you're a grown up who must make your own way in the world. Its more of a retrospective. Jo herself probably didn't realize her childhood was as warm and beautiful as it was.... until it was gone. Anyways we cried and laughed about why we were crying, but I haven't been able to think about it since. I don't know where I am in the color palette sunset of warm to cold, but I will know once I've long passed it.
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Jan 22, 2025

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I rewatched it recently with a female relative I don’t particularly like lol but it was so nice to share it and to cry with her!!!
Jan 22, 2025
taterhole yaya im glad !! little women is so rare its speaks to us all on another level
Jan 22, 2025

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i do this with a couple in particular, whenever i feel like having a good crying session: the final scenes in call me by your name and normal people. it's pretty much automatic, especially with normal people. i know exactly what the characters are going to say and when, but i still cry every time. it doesn't matter how many times i've seen it. the scene will always carry the same emotions and be able to access the same ones within me. what a privilege it is to be profoundly moved by something.
Nov 10, 2024
So I just finished Normal People then rewatched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind back to back and let me tell you yes they both tore me to pieces and were so so good. But i did not watch them at a time in my life where it could’ve been a lot worse. And yea it might’ve been cathartic to sob my heart out (I did still cry don’t get me wrong but very polite tears), I think I’m glad I was spared the heavy hit bc it allowed me to appreciate the show/film on its own.
Dec 3, 2024
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I cried like a baby the other day, and honestly I'm glad I did. In my core class I was doing some research on my EE topic, mainly focusing on Marina Abramović since I'm obsessed with her work so obviously my essay is revolved around her. Anyways, Amidst my research I took in time to view a fuller extent of The Artist is Present'. I knew it was an all day things, how people lined up to view it and even how celebrities such as Alan Rickman and Bjork sat with Abramović. The main thing about this was to have a conversation without words and instead utilize eyes, expressions, and sighs. I know there are photos and videos of people crying and such when meeting Abramović, but she wouldn't have any extreme reactions other then smiling or sometimes shedding a single tear. Moreover, she would not move her arms nor extend them to the person sitting across from her.  Ulay was a German performance artist who had a relationship with Abramović with twelve years and after mutually agreeing to separating, they decided to meet each other at the great wall of China. The two started at opposite ends and met at the middle which took three months, they hugged, and this act was called 'Lovers'. I love artist lore especially when it's about two people who have history together in the same profession. Anywho so one day while Abramović is seated with eyes shut, a guy takes a seat on front of her and when they lock eyes the two immediately becone teary eyed. Because it's Ulay and their first time seeing each other in years. They cry, laugh, smile, and for the first time extends her arms to hold Ulay's hands, to which he takes. So yeah, seeing it made me bawl and it's overall such a powerful clip. I think everyone should watch it. I think too that it encapsulates that despite growing far from a previous loved one, the emotions are still kept in tact waiting for a chance to sprout again.
Feb 20, 2025

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read this book as a 14 year old and felt my mind physically expand and comprehend mortality :00 re-reading it as an adult it hits even harder. it feels like a warm summer night where everything feels incredibly still! 10/10 timeless read, definitely grounds the soul :))
Jan 19, 2025
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Whatever I can’t stop listening to this twenty one pilots album - every week probably there’s a different song that clicks with me in a weird or specific way bc they’re all their own thing but somehow fit together cohesively. so sometimes I listen on shuffle and sometimes I cherry pick and listen to one song 5x and like okay yes I am sleeping with the drummer but I genuinely feel that only would make me more critical or embarrassed if it wasn’t good. It’s good
Oct 4, 2024