one thing i've learned is that there is absolutely nowhere you should be or anything you should be striving for. u r where you r for a reason, donā€™t fight the current. knowing this has eased a lot of my anxieties about my future and what's to come. as long as i am avid about cultivating joy and doing things that give me a sense of purpose (reading books, journaling, quality time w/ friends + family) i know that everything else will fall into place. trust this and i promise it will prove to b fruitful! any action done in the present is a key factor in what your future will manifest as - one question i always ask myself is: is your current routine bringing you joy???
Jan 22, 2025

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Yes!!! There is no where we should be except for where we are now! I am very big on the everything happens for a reason! Yes I have been implementing reading, journaling, and quality time and it has been helping me a lot! My current routine is bringing me joy! I consistently work out, do yoga, read, eat good healthy meals! sometimes tho I need a lil freak out and then I feel calm again! Thank you for sharing and for the help :)
Jan 23, 2025

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just move towards one thing that makes you happy, one go at a time. if it becomes a pattern, think about what it is about the thing that makes you happy. move towards it, one diy, one event, one forum at a time. also know that you can reinvent yourself hundreds of times in this lifetime, so goals are arbitrary. what matters is that you spend most of your days with at least a bit or a lot of joy. oh also remembering that your career ā‰  what fulfils you. sometimes we work just to have $$ to do what we really want to do (cook/draw/knit/make music etc). in the end, your life will be made up of many small moments, so just try to enjoy yourself. at least thatā€™s how i do it :)
Apr 22, 2024
with so many unknowns in this & every stage of life (at 30 years old it still hasnā€™t stopped), the best thing that has helped me is to try to live one day at a time. rather than focusing on some big, distant, ambitious goal, i bring myself back to the present so i donā€™t miss my actual life. give yourself things to look forward to & focus on connecting with people. remind yourself of what brings you joy or improves your mood somehow & do more of that each day. think of it as a gift to future you to make their day better. make a list you can refer to on grey days if that helps. tackle it with others if you feel stuck or overwhelmed. remember youā€™re allowed to try things out & make adjustments & mistakes. itā€™ll be cool to look back & see how everything played out.
Jun 11, 2024
This has helped me a lot when paralyzed over big life decisions. I canā€™t know the future, and therefore might make the ā€œwrong choiceā€ or have unexpected consequences. But if I think about other times Iā€™ve ended up in a bad job / relationship / living situation / whatever, I have always figured it out and gotten through it. So itā€™s rational to believe I will do it again. Also helpful for decision anxiety: You are making the best decision you can with the information you have right now. You might change your mind with new information, and thatā€™s ok.
Jul 8, 2024

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