The biggest reason why I stick with physical is because it’s actually just cheaper still. Digital copies of films are so overpriced as they generally cost more than physical and don’t have any of the extra features most the time. Also I just love the look of all my disc cases on my shelves, and when I buy some while out it’s nice to stare at them on the way back home. And taking the wrapping off is a lovely experience. While I don’t buy music physically, I do buy it digitally from sites with no DRM, so that I fully own it and can play across my PC + phone. Again, this is cheaper as I can buy a whole album for £10 which will last me several months on its own, while a single month of Spotify is £12/£11 for Apple Music. And it means I support the artists more!
Jan 22, 2025

Comments (2)

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What sites do you buy music from?
Jan 22, 2025
emza mainly their own sites where they may sell music, if they don’t then Bandcamp.
Jan 22, 2025

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There's a lot of advantages to physically owning music. It supports the artist and ensures that the music remains yours even if it's taken off streaming or the platform closes down. Plus, vinyl and CD tend to have considerably better audio quality. If you can, it's always better to have the physical media
4d ago
It honestly seems more logical to me to own physical media now. You can buy a CD or DVD of anything and be able to consume it as much as you want; whereas in subscription sites, you pay monthly for a bunch of media that you may not even like and regularly use.
3d ago
after playstation removed a bunch of videos that people had already purchased through their store i learnt that when you buy digital products, you're not really buying them, you're buying a licence to use them until they decide they want to stop licensing it out to you. so i've kind of got back into collecting physical media i saw in my local charity shop that CDs were 10p and i had a look and holy shiiiiiit i found some gold, Outkast, Lauryn Hill, Arrested Development, Bon Iver, Haim, loads of stuff - and i don't live in a particularly 'cool' place so was surprised to find them and i've already rec'ed this before but DVDs too, a place by me does 10 for 50p and even found fairly recent titles like the favourite, little women, etc. idk, i guess i might be romanticising having physical media but i love it
Aug 1, 2024

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Nice ask, made me think about what’s important to me - FAVES: Animals (especially cats) Nature Friends + fam Museums History (especially classical) Art Star Wars Indiana Jones DC Comics Videogames Physical media LEGO Improv Fencing Ultimate Frisbee Tennis F1 Phone (as unhealthy as it is) Youtube Empathy Dancing while alone Late nights - UNFAVES: When it’s too cold When it’s too hot The beach Ice cream (I am the antethesis of a summer person for someone born in July) human feet Getting up early stopping the unfave list here before I give TMI :p
Jan 23, 2025