2024 was my first year getting involved in my community. i’ve always been a very anti-social/introverted person who relied a lot on my friends for social interactions outside of our immediate friend groups. but i went thru a break up last year because our political goals and ideas didn’t match up, and now im left alone to discover the wonders of my community. i must admit i haven’t gone to any physical events YET, but it will be my first time this weekend (: i’ve mainly been donating, going to educationals, and spreading the word on any mutual aid i can think of on IG. but i have been (machine) knitting beanies to distribute to the houseless while it’s cold af outside! i’ve made about 40-50 beanies now (also a great time for me to go down my letterboxd watchlist). you get to interact with amazing people and help people who have been screwed over by our gov. but remember, mutual aid is not charity. its when we come together as a community to help people who need help, with no strings attached. anyways, this is your sign to look at what you can do for your communities! i promise it's so worth the time and it's really changed my life and the life of those received aid
Jan 22, 2025

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Jan 23, 2025

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Mutual aid is a way we can take care of our neighbors! I’d highly recommend looking into joining one in your area. My group that I joined last September has been focused on fighting the anti-homeless legislation and rhetoric that’s been pushed by local representatives in our area. We also have done a couple free community meals, coat drives/distribution, and fundraisers/protests for Palestine 🇵🇸 I’ve made a few friends through this group and it’s been very fulfilling to know im actively doing things to help others in my community!
Feb 13, 2025
be it feeding people, youth outreach, helping people move, the library, community gardens…the possibilities are endless and of course vary. i volunteer for the art program offered by a shelter near me so it’s possible to balance any interests of yours with doing good! take the time to research opportunities that speak to you. some other helpful ideas: pick a grassroots organization you really resonate with and donate/promote as regularly as you can...read tricky things and have those tricky conversations...learn a domestic or community building skill such as sewing... best of luck and don’t get too wrapped up in the “size” of the impact of your actions, because a little help is better than none :)
Nov 6, 2024
It'll recharge your battery and you may even be able to find a new opportunity through meeting new people. I can't recommend getting involved in mutual aid enough. Being productive for something important is incredibly gratifying. I also recommend using this time to learn about/how to do something you've always wanted to. Ideally by going to your local library and chatting with a librarian. I would also recommend looking at your city's library events and services. A lot of libraries have access to 3d printers, sewing machines, etc. An accessible way to try something new that would otherwise be expensive. Most libraries will have meetups like tech workshops, movie days, recipe exchanges, seed libraries and on and on. This is also a good time to get involved in things you wouldn't be able to when working a 9-5. Ie. leading a girl scout troop, joining a community garden, or delivering meals on wheels.
Jan 16, 2025

Top Recs from @xxmichixx

capitalism is meant to suck the soul out of you and work you into the GROUND. it's how the gov creates soulless people that don't have the capacity to care about anyone but themselves. everyone's too tired and too concerned about their own needs being met to think of anyone else. but people are meant to be chillin with the homies, reading books, creating art -- enjoying life!! all without the pressure to commodify their hobbies or stress about working a 9-5 just to (sometimes barely) survive! so i've found that just accepting the fact that it's ok to not be productive is sort of a mini revolution. it gives more meaning to life than just going thru the motions of a 9-5. it gives you a larger capacity to care and form community with others, and that's something that the gov does NOT want (as seen this past year smh)
Jan 23, 2025
- bojack horseman - search party - black mirror (before season 5) - midnight gospel (i always get sad knowing there will never be more than 1 season)
Jan 21, 2025