I found this book as a teenager and felt very seen. I recently reread it and although It is about existentialism, I found it cathartic asf. Something about seeing your emotions described so well by someone else Is comforting. It also has inspired me to keep a diary.
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Jan 22, 2025

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In my mid-20s existential exploring life era
Mar 4, 2024
Yes I realize this is far more than one book, but I read all of these stories in very close succession & I believe they shaped me into the guy I am today. These are all very sensitive-young-man-core, but what can I say? I was a sensitive young man. I have a very complicated relationship with Mother & Father. When I was first introduced to Kafka, it was like meeting my soulmate. I don’t have it in me to go into much detail at this moment, but being condemned to death by drowning for failing an aging father who can sense a deeply felt resentment; waking up one day to find you’ve turned into a disgusting bug after sacrificing so much for a family that cares so little— these are ideas that deeply rattled & resonated with me personally at the age that I read them. I resolved to try to live differently. Death of Ivan Ilych was simply further exhortation for me to not live my life according to convention, to pursue wealth, status, family life for their own sakes. I think every single one of us has it in us to become an Ivan Ilych without even realizing. I was totally rapt & manic upon finishing this one I still am today, to some degree. Portrait of the Artist really spoke to me as well. When Stephen looks at his father & realizes he’s a fool, and that he wants to be nothing like him. The moment when he sees the girl in the water & he becomes so horny he decides to dedicate his life to the pursuit of beauty, to aesthetics, to being an artist. The entire ending segment written as first person journal entries filled me with a lot of hope. Emerson is the man. Great way to shock the materialist reductionist, the comformist, the busybody, & the consistent, conventional company man out of your system. Probably made me a more annoying person when alls said & done. Oh well.
May 12, 2024
flowers for Algernon fundamentally changed me in the sixth grade. I think I have read it every year since i was like 11 and I sob every time. I blame this book (and diary of a young girl) for opening my eyes to mortality in ways that shook me the core in a beneficial way. Also all of the Pete the cat series speak to me on a spiritual level.
May 2, 2024

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