some faves:
- (hot) tea
- cats
- the joy and comfort that any 2000s media brings me
- pre-christmas december
- winter blue hour & summer golden hour
- old family pictures
- crosswords
- snow
- the album red by taylor swift
- finding screen accurate clothes
- bike rides
- sunrises
- libraries
- everything second hand. books, physical media, clothes they have a whole different vibe
- journaling
- when you find a character you can 100% relate to
- driving when roads are empty
- knitting
- concerts
- detailed dream scenarios
- heartwarming superheroes stories (my faves: tobey maguire’s peter parker & tom welling’s clark kent <3)
- writing letters
- djungelskog bear
some unfaves:
- lip balms that taste like hand cream
- social media
- fast fashion and trends
- judging people especially strangers
- live actions, remakes, reboots. just stop
- harry potter
- linkedin
- apples
- sparkling water
- most sweet things (i’m a salty girl)
- tweeting every single thought you have
- when a content creator you like changes to become mainstream