It's romantic in the right amount and positive. It just makes me believe in love.
This photo reminds me of this song.
(This is me and my best friend Julia)
the story behind the song is so beautiful, it reminds me of how i feel about my boyfriend and i cry a lot while listening too it ðŸ˜(in a good way lol)
something about us- daft punk : this one is so dear to me, it feels like I'll never come close to the feeling that this song gives me
mirrors- justin Timberlake : one of the most romantic songs ever i mean literally listen to it likeðŸ˜
This movie is beautiful and funny from the beginning to the very end. One, if not the, best coming of age movie!
And the opening song is perfect for the opening scene it really made me feel in the snow.
Just a lovely experience.
This one is knid of somber.
Ever year goes by and I go back to this song. It just incapusulates my feeling about myself in 3mins of song. It's very sad to know I feel like this about my body regardless of how thin or fat I get.
At first this song to me was about how my body was never good enough for the sport I used to participate in. I used to be a rower and I had a coach that thought what ever I did wasn't enough. I would starve myself to get "better" in his eyes, but I was never enough.
Now it about the consequences of leaveing a sport that was literally my life and trying to understand why is my body never enough.
It's reminds me of being a kid, being free, running without care, dancing until your feet hurt, drinking colorful drinks, and crying in your bathroom floor.
It's reminds me of this photo I took. Place quite yet loud.