Oh, to float on the water all day… be tickled by the breeze, bob up and down with the waves, maybe spot some aquatic wildlife, be a perch for gulls and such, a napping spot for some seals… what a life
step 1. swim between the flags
step 2. find where the waves don’t break on you
step 3: lay in the ocean
step 4: arch you back
step 5: face towards the sky close your eyes
step 6: become only the feeling of movement. have mind empty of image. you are only the feeling of turbulence, united with the waves.
I know this is a luxury to experience but humans are happier near the water for a reason!! having lungs full of it is healing. make sure to close ur eyes when you do it
Stop worrying about what jokes and references are currently the funniest and not “cringe”. Don’t give into every microtrend because capitalism praises those who continue to buy. If a trend helps you discover something you like, that’s amazing, but discover who you are rather than sloppily tying your identity to something that will be worthless in a week.
I‘m told that it’s rude, but frankly I don’t care. How many people am I supposed to say goodbye to? Does everyone just stand and watch as I say goodbye? Is it announced that I’m leaving? Am I losing an ambiguous alibi and whereabouts? Yes. I’m going to leave and what are you going to do… tell me to stay???? I’m already gone.