I know, I know, the horror! But socializing can be as small as saying hello to a cashier or a neighbor. Ask them if something interesting happened to them today. Try to do it every day. Also, look for ways you can help people. Hold a door open, wave a pedestrian to walk in front of your car at a stop sign. Little things add up, don’t believe your mind when it tells you they aren’t worth doing.
Jan 24, 2025

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Every day, go out into the world and have even a tiny social interaction. Ask a cashier what interesting thing has happened during their shift. Tell someone their dog is cute. Say hi to the other person waiting for their coffee. It all adds up.
Jul 9, 2024
start small with saying hi to neighbors or people you make direct eye contact with out and about. Then make small talk with a barista or server or bartender. they don’t have to me the most gripping conversations, just super easy and light banter. Compliment strangers and try and see if you can turn it into a longer conversation if the vibe it right. view most of your interactions with people as practice in socializing. just play and have fun with it! sooner or later it will just feel like second nature and you can turn it on and off as your please. socializing is like a muscle, you simply have to train and exercise it to be comfortable using it. I hope this helps! PS: something that I started telling myself that kick started me being more social is that everyone in this world is a little awkward and anxious, so if we are all dealing with similar anxieties and anxiousness, it just levels the playing field. Also, when it comes to talking to strangers I find that most people are just wanting someone to break the ice first. Very few times have I talked to strangers and was met with rudeness or people being mad that I’m talking to them. In the rare instances that I do, I don’t take it personally and just tell myself they are having an off day. I’m most cases, when it comes to talking to strangers, I find that people are more shocked and pleasantly surprised that a stranger is talking to them. I just try not to talk peoples ear off and will only extend the interaction if I see that they are engaging and reciprocating back with me (ie. asking questions and responding to what im saying with genuine interest and not simple politeness). I know it all seems like a lot to think about but it gets easier with time and you figure it all out as you go. You just have to start 😊
May 13, 2024
being sincere is in, thinking you’re always the most interesting person in the room is OUT. take the opportunity to learn from this random human you have crossed paths with at the function. make a big impact with a little, casual convo. what are they into? how did they get into their line of work? what did they eat that day? what is their biggest fear? (lol) small talk is only shallow if you let it be. tell someone working in a super busy place that they’re doing great and you hope they get a breather soon. compliment an outfit you like when you see it. tell someone when you notice their beautiful smile. quick interactions =/= insignificant
Mar 4, 2024

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