My whole job requires my voice to be in good heath so when I notice even the slightest cold I go full herbal remedy mode. I‘m not even hippie dippy about that stuff I just can’t justify using really medicine when I’m not even properly ill. so I stock up on tangerines, ginger, garlic, orange juice, echinacea tablets and rest like a victorian child if I happen to have the day off. Today I have nothing on and there’s a storm out so I am resting with a hot waterbottle with some vaporub on my chest. Gonna kick the cold before it even properly starts.
Jan 24, 2025

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had a famously awful immune system when i worked around kids for years. took a while of trial and error before i learned what works best. other than general hygienic habits paired with optimal sleep and hydration, elderberry-ginger-turmeric are my best friends. i never found echinacea or vitamin c supplements to be very much help. here’s some small ways to incorporate them into your day to day: -a cup of elderberry tea everyday as a preventative measure (rishi makes an elderberry-ginger one but it’s very strong, just a heads up. most if these things will be, sorry.) -ginger shots. i make my own to save money as it’s fairly easy. orange juice, tumeric, pepper and sometimes manuka honey. -ginger-tumeric chai for the warm months, a cold ginger green tea or elderberry hibiscus in the cooler months -instead of tea, elderberry syrup. something that can be made with dried elderberry, but to be honest it’s easier to buy. outside of preventative measures, when i feel something coming on, i will down like 5-6 cups a day of one of/or a combination of these herbal teas (i usually do like 4-5 cups elderberry tea and maybe 1-2 cups of a ginger based tea). it’s very excessive yes and it’s not the most fun but it has cleared me up 9 out of 10 times. but even if it doesn’t, it still lessens the severity and time of symptoms.
Aug 19, 2024
for colds: - the Persians say 'bookhoor' - it is basically a facial steam with essential oils. Take your kettle. boil water. Water in bowl, covered with towel. Pop in eucalyptus, tea tree and lavender essentials (or really anything for an easy breathe). 3 to 5 drops. Don't go wild now, this steam has a bbite. Put your face under the towel for 10 minutes and breathe in the steam. Do it daily until you're recovered. - as the Chinese do, I would avoid eating anything that is cold (e.g. ice cream) or drinking cold drinks with ice (sorry you can't have your iced matcha today) - if you have a sore throat, honey lemon will do you a delight! put some honey into some warm water and dissolve (make sure it's not boiling because it kills the antibodies), squeeze some lemon juice into the water and drink! if you're feeling extra ethnic, add turmeric and garlic to the mix prior to other ingredient. This occurs through a boiling process on the stovetop. - don't go out! also don't go near toxic people! because they will rain on your parade and rain is to be avoided when you are susceptible to getting sick3r - healing prayers <3 if you have the flu pls get your yearly flu shot! make sure you get it significantly way before the colder months arrive wherever you reside, especially.
Nov 7, 2024

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So great
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