(no spoilers ahead) I went to see it together with my sister. I cried, she cried, we both crode. A lot. The first five minutes of the film already got me. Andrewā€˜s and Florenceā€˜s acting is phenomenal. It all felt so genuine and real - which makes sense considering that Florence really shaved her hair for this and that the story hits home for Andrew because of his mother. My sister and I were honestly baffled upon seeing that they didnā€˜t receive a single Oscar nomination. That gas station scene alone deserved at least one. I rarely watch romance movies and I knew this one was going to be heartwrenching, but I really enjoyed it. They portrayed the ending in such a beautiful way, a way that is gently feeding you the truth whilst causing your heart to shatter simultaneously. Itā€˜s the perfect movie to watch on a cold evening, with a warm blanket and your fav feel-good snack. And most definitely tissues. (Gave it 4 stars on Letterboxd)
Jan 24, 2025

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Agreed re: the missed opportunity with Oscar nods. And yes, the gas station scene! Wow!
Jan 25, 2025

Related Recs

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I took a page out of justheretofillthevoidā€™s book and watched a movie shortly after waking up, while drinking my coffee. It was lovely and something I expect to do more often! Something I loved about this movie is it felt real. It wasnā€™t a stretch of the imagination to think these characters exist, or love each other. Seems small but a lot of movies get it slightly off, so I appreciate it when it happens. As most people have shared, yes this move is about grief, but I think they did a phenomenal job of showing generational trauma. That which isnā€™t dealt with, in this case because it was so atrocious and their grandma just needed to survive, is passed down until it demands to be felt. Overall, a very human film that made me feel a lot of thingsšŸ’—
Jan 25, 2025
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Feb 3, 2025
I had been waiting what felt like a year and a half for this movie. In Mexico we donā€™t get most nominated films immediately. Instead theater chains do a ā€œfilm festivalā€ marketing in Jan (which tends to be a slow month for films) and they bring every single nominated film scattered throughout jan-feb. So I did a mini film festival for myself, on mon i watched ā€œa complete unknownā€, yesterday ā€œiā€™m still hereā€ and today ā€œa real painā€. Itā€™s been a hard week, I was bummer out that i was feeling sad when i had been waiting so long for this one but i got ready, dressed up, walked to the local movie theater and by the time i got there i was feeling so happy and excited. This movie was exactly what I needed. Without giving too much away, itā€™s about two cousins traveling to Poland to know where their grandmother came from. I traveled there back in 2019 and I really enjoyed seeing places I had been to in a movie I had waited for so long, that was really exciting! Kieran and Jesse playing the role of cousins gave truly amazing, moves-me-to-my-core performances. It was interesting how I could relate to a certain degree with both characters which are polar opposites. I donā€™t think I was able to say why I am recommending it, maybe Iā€™m just feeling to much and the feelings havenā€™t translated into words just yet. All in all to say, please do yourselves a favor and go watch this one! Iā€™m sure you will love it as much as I have.
Feb 13, 2025

Top Recs from @kikissleepy

Not on an emotional level - that seems impossible sometimes. Rather physically. Remind yourself youā€˜re attached to a body. Remind yourself you can experience the world around you. For instance, splash your face with cold water, multiple times. If youā€˜re cold, let warm water run over your wrists, it warms you up quick. Put yourself out there in the (chilly) wind and/or sun. Either open a window and stick your head out or - if you can get yourself to do that - really go outside for a walk. Could be a quick five minute stroll or an extensive one. Also helps clearing your head of any noise. Reconnect with nature while youā€˜re at it. Just touch your environment. Do it. Touch the leaves you pass by, touch the tree branches, step into puddles, pick up flowers, blow a dandelion. If you have the opportunity, (if youā€˜re living near a farm or similar) pet animals. Those things usually help me regain a bit of positivity or any (positive) feeling of being human at all. Hope this helps, slumps suck, but thereā€˜s better days ahead. After all flowers need rain to grow, no? šŸ’
Jan 24, 2025
usually Iā€˜d share it in some way or the other share it with friends (if possible), write it down in detail or even sketch it out, helps me move on and eventually forget about it :)
Jan 24, 2025
recommendation image
Honestly the only reasonable one for me. This album (initially Bewitched) deeply influenced my entire listening course upon discovering it. The credits are due to Laufey, but it was Bewitched in particular, that got me back into this jazzy-pop genre (heading towards more classical jazz). For me, each and every song of Bewitched - The Goddess Edition is beautifully structured and sung. I know a lot of people who believe that all those songs sound the same, but I am convinced you experience a different feeling with every one of them. Claiming that they all would sound the same just doesnā€˜t do this album justice. It explores love, girlhood, longing and so many more feelings one often keeps deep down to themselves. Laufey manages to portray each one of these feelings so genuinely, I simply could not get sick of listening to this album on repeat. I might also be biased since I got to listen to her perform this album live, front row (hence the photo :') ) - yet, that was the most entrancing and comforting concert experience I ever got to have. This album has been alongside me throughout the entirety of 2024 and Iā€˜m glad it was this one. šŸŖ„šŸ’™
Jan 24, 2025