My companion when I’m cold, sleepy, want to be cozy, have a tummy ache, have a cold or just when I want it. Add a little honey or a squeeze of lemon or don’t add anything at all. Try some variety like Hampstead‘s fennel and peppermint or a spearmint. Any way you take it, mint tea will always be in my daily beverage rotation.
spearmint and peppermint tea is so good because i think it's rare to find a tea that you can drink all year round.
in summer it's refreshing and invigorating
yet in winter it's also quite comforting and warming.
so versatile - shoutout spearmint/peppermint tea
I cannot hack coffee. I am pathetic and British so maybe the need for Tea as hot drink of choice makes sense. However, I have never felt like I'm missing out, because of the vast range of teas available. Want a little caffeine boost? An English breakfast, or an Earl Grey for a more perfumey flavour should do the trick. (Personally I save English breakfast tea for home consumption, and treat myself to any other type of tea when out but never in the home. It's an important separation). A herbal tea, like a red fruit or camomile can take me depending on my mood. Lots of choice without the anxious jitters !
this is one of this annoying things that actually makes a difference and makes your mom say I told you so. there's something about a made bed that makes me feel like my life is just that little bit more together and getting into a made bed at night is one of my top 10 favorite mundane experiences.
potatoes, oysters, mussels, beaches, dunes, lush fields, childhood dreams of anne of green gables fulfilled. amazing food, incredibly kind people, and beautiful landscapes. truly what more can you ask for.