The Museum of Modern Art is my all time favorite museum in the city and has been for as long as I can remember. That says a lot & holds a lot of weight because I’ve been going there and admiring it all since I was about 12 years old. I’d been a part of an extracurricular program for children with disabilities where I was there as a kid to immerse myself in all the different types of art that they had to offer. This was immeasurable for me as a young artist, and a disabled artist at that. That experience was my introduction to the MoMA, and since then I’d been hooked - for lack of better words. As a now 21 going on 22-year-old (by the time this comes out I’ll be 22), it is in my opinion, the most communal of all the museums in the city. You can be ratchet and free with your friends within the walls of the MoMA and enjoy and learn about any type of art or anything related to art there, and that’s literally just what is - you just kind of lose yourself there til doors close at 5:30.