I remember it leaving me cold at first but I also watched it on a screen so small Lynch would have yelled at me. Had a great time rewatching it the other day. Patricia Arquette so beautiful and Robert Loggia such a hilarious maniac
Jan 26, 2025

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I saw this recently at The Roxy with my friend Ben and it hit so hard.  I really liked this one in high school but seeing it for the first time in maybe 10 years, I was kind of shocked by how great it was.  To enjoy Lost Highway, you have to shut your brain off and just submit to the movie.  At the end, two characters drive out to the desert in the middle of the night looking for a burning cabin theyโ€™ve seen in visions and then have sex on the sand, illuminated by the headlights of their parked car.  This Mortal Coilโ€™s version of โ€˜Song To The Sirenโ€™ plays.  We were in the front row it was crazy.
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I watched Eraserhead for the first time a few days ago and just watched Lost Highway. Both were great, I think I liked Lost Highway Better though. Very confusing and left me thinking a lot. I'm on my David Lynch grind, planning on starting Twin Peaks soon
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Immediately after finishing this one I was even more confused than by Lost Highway, but after piecing together the story I think itโ€™s very cool. It helps to look at the whole thing and then zoom in rather than look at one tiny thing and expect that to explain the entire movie. I see the similarities with Lost Highway a lot especially with the motif of doing something bad and having some kind of delusion to come to terms with that as well as Lynch criticizing Hollywood and the film industry. Good movie ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Jan 22, 2025

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