The famous slow-cooked, umami-rich black bean stew from Brazil, their national dish! Paired with caipirinha 🥃 you can’t go wrong, nor are you going anywhere fast ha. Served wherever Brazilians hang; last time I had it in the US was in Miami.
One of the things I like the most about and the current scale of users is that it's still noticeable when a rec was inspired by another.
Sometimes the rec directly mentions the other, but other times you can kinda assume that reading an especific thing here triggered a memory or an ideia.
It's very cute and interesting to notice the small influences interacting with other humans online can have.
UbuWeb - archive for video, text and sound, all avant gard art - archive for marxist texts
CrimethInc - archive for anarchist publications and news
Aeon - magazine on philosophy and science
Eye on Design - magazine on design news
Failed Architecture - magazine on critical architecture and urbanism
LitHub - literary magazine
Anna's Archive - love of my life ♥️
A terra é redonda - magazine of art and politics
Passa palavra - news and articles on Brazillian politics
Digilabour - news and articles about gig economy and surveillance capitalism