You really can't go wrong with Bon Iver! This is his debut album too so if you like what you hear, try the rest! The whole album has warm acoustic vibes.
Jan 27, 2025

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4 year gap since his last release and the guy just jumps back into the game like he never left
Oct 25, 2024
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oh boy is this a good one. been on repeat for the last little bit it makes me feel so warm and cozy inside 😊🌟🫎 idk what mic or what effect or whatever he’s using for his voice but golly gee… so crisp so nice. i can feel every instrument deep in my bonesssss and his melodies are probably my favourite ever. yeah. it’s awesome. i will admit that last track being 20 minutes long catches me off guard every time but i listened to it all the way through one time and it‘s magical 🦟 however i don’t think there’s enough adderall in the world that could get me to listen to it in its entirety again
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I know all these other recs were calming and mindful, but I thought I would put this out there cause I’m crazy obsessed. I’ve been his BIGGEST fan for a couple of years now, and knowing there’s more music coming up is the light of my life. If you have a minute, go listen to his new song basic being basic. If you have more than just a minute I would recommend listening to his other albums twenty twenty, and decide. On a broader note, go find new music! A fresh playlist always cheers me up.
Jan 30, 2025

Top Recs from @sethywethy

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Ok guys I gotta be honest. I'm all for supporting creatives and rightfully paying people for the art that they create, but sometimes I wanna watch a 30 year old movie and I don't wanna pay the 19-whatever-the-fuck Netflix is taxing. Take my advice. Get Brave. It's like google chrome on steroids. Go to a site like Brocoflix (i kid you not lmao) and let your heart run wild. Brave's adblocker is insane. Gone are the days of closing 30 porn pop-ups just to watch Sonic. It's game-changing
Jan 28, 2025
I'm sure there's an actual name for this but I'm blanking on it at the moment. I try to live under the idea that we're all one being. That in everybody is a piece of me, and in me a piece of everyone else. I guess it's like an extrapolation of 'the golden rule'. But I think to myself like, if I was being ignorant, I'd want someone to have a conversation with me and help me understand where I was wrong. If I was having a bad day and was visibly frustrated in line, I'd want to have someone stop and ask me how I was doing. I think most negative people are just hurt. The longer you go without talking about what's bothering you, the more bitter you get. Most people, no matter how they're acting, change when you ask them if they're ok. Most of the time (I'll admit, there's some exceptions lol) its better to be sympathetic rather than defensive. It's easy to get heated but it takes a lot of patience to really try to understand. Stranger or not, I do my best to help rather than provoke. We've all got our bad days, but that doesn't mean we aren't deserving of compassion.
Jan 28, 2025