Tippy top of the list is easily Us and Them by Pink Floyd. Obviously anything off of dark side of the moon is an immediate classic. Such a beautiful album. A newer band I recently found is “The growlers.” they have some awesome alt rock sounding, good vibes songs. Some of them feel a little “surfy” if that’s your vibe. Favorite song by them rn is easily “dope on a rope.” A little different of a rec than the first two is another song I hold close to me is “Going in circles” by Friends of Distinction. More of an R&B/Soul group, they have an incredibly warm feeling to this song. If you want something for your softer side, anything by a girl in red is always the vibe.
Jan 28, 2025

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I always loved philosophy in school, it’s been one of my favorite subjects to study. And with it, I feel there is so much value in the uncertainty that it often provides. while it was at first frustrating not being able to come to a concrete answer, I’ve learned that’s what makes it so important to the human experience. The person that has no tincture of their own philosophy is imprisoned by the prejudices they derive from common sense, habitual beliefs of their age or their nation. To truly open yourself to the world, and to truly take control of your mind, you cannot let those convictions grow in your mind without any co-operation or consent of your own deliberate belief. Uncertainty is inevitable in this world, and that’s ok. At a time where everything seems to be so absolute, be uncertain in your beliefs or ideas, it’s a great step to growth.
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