With all the quick motions and shocking happenings of the world, I've been taking refuge in the faith I was raised with. Not with a reactionary frame of mind, but searching for the empathetic section of the world I knew when I was younger. Before, I learned about the expansive evils of the world and the contradictory nature of mainstream Christianity and, in extension, Catholicism. I've left the church, but I still visit from time to time, mentally. The teachings of love and justice have given me solace in these trying times. As some rights are being stripped and opportunities limited, my first reaction has been to pray for the people affected. Sympathy is hardwired in my bones, but it's new that I physically get on my knees to recite and conjure a prayer. I've been told I'm having a "come to God" moment, but honestly, I feel I'm falling in love with an idealistic version of Catholicism. Something I can defer to when the logical and the skeptical sections of my mind are overworked with anguish. I feel it couldn't only be me feeling these emotions. Anyone else?
Jan 28, 2025

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I grew up very Catholic, and while I don’t identify with the church as an institution anymore, the teachings are right there: love, and patience, and humility are the only ways forward. I take a lot of solace in a handful of saints, the humanity of Jesus, and the sacrifice of Mary. That’s about it for me, and that’s all I feel I need :)
Jan 28, 2025
I‘ve been finding myself praying silently before bed more. I was even thinking about getting involved at the Catholic Worker House because Dorothy Day was a badass.
Jan 28, 2025
I’m agnostic, but i went to catholic school for most of my life and from that i tend to take solace in the good stories that come from the Bible and not the BS. I also sometimes just enjoy the tradition and calmness that comes from masses. Stepping into spirituality is great strength, no need to ever feel critical about it
Jan 28, 2025
i’ve been known to pray a few Hail Mary’s in these trying times. it’s genuinely just very meditative, with the added personal appeal of familiarity (i was also raised catholic)
Jan 28, 2025

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I’ve found myself thinking about God a lot as of late. I didn’t grow up in the Church, and right now I’m not on a distinctive quest for answers experiencing feelings of desperation. EDIT: I am actually so lost but not looking for answers from God necessarily? — I simply am just noticing God everywhere. And when I start explaining these thoughts and feelings to my mother or friends about how much I’ve been thinking about Godliness, I always start by saying: “Well I’ve just been thinking about how God is everywhere; like in the taste of this chocolate cake or….” Once I spent a year or more where I didn’t cry at all. I can’t remember if I even laughed from an authentic place at this time period? Because for several of those months I have no memories. But nowadays– I look up at the moon in cold January and shed a tear because how lovely is the moon? And when watching a beautiful movie because how lovely is that? And hearing that song the 400th time but still tearing up because suddenly it‘s like you’re hearing it for the first time? And crying four times in one yoga class because i just cant help it, everything; even things unknown, are releasing. I don’t know God personally. But I know where God lives; like in the taste of this chocolate cake. or a cold refreshing breeze on my face when I’m feeling too hot, in the laughter of my loved ones, in the juicy green grass, in how I feel when I’m bathing in endless ocean waves or dancing with my baby cousin. Humble and mindful and indulgent in it all. I dont have to search very hard.
Jan 26, 2025
not religious, but tbh reading the Bible or any religious scripture blows me away with how beautiful and significant everything manages to sound. my family is catholic, and we had to go to prayer for a family member's death today. did I do any of the prayers? no.. do all of them probably think I'm a weird queer emo who is going to hell? yes but some of the verses were unironically so TOUGH. made me feel like i should be sitting by a stained glass windows, writing an epic of love and tribulation with a big feather quill. 

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It all starts there; it's very unlike what you were expecting.
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