This is a soothing activity and i can sit doing it for 12 hours while watching “sex and the city” for the first time in my life. Most of the art in my home is art that i have made from paint by numbers and what’s amazing about it is that they have many different styles. For a long time i thought the only paint by numbers you could do was animals, and i generally hate animals, so i avoided it. But it turns out you can make van gogh-like paintings, or gorgeous vistas from italy’s cinque terra, or a cityscape. If you are looking for something a little less committal (I tend to spend 40 hours on one but i get extremely detailed ones) you should do a paint-and-sip class at Pinot’s Palette. They are all over the US and you get to take a group photo at the end that they put on facebook like you graduated from high school :)