My sister and I have matching ones, hers was blue and mine red, I found both in my sticker covered dresser junk drawer.
I also found a cute crochet hat and other relics I’m wearing again. Kid me saw the potential (Never cleaned out my room) !!
Do you guys remember these from the 2000s? I dug mine up a couple years ago and it’s so fun to wear and think about the 10-year-old girl that curated those charms
* Fortune card
* Virgin Mary that belonged to my grandmother
* Weird capless acorn I keep in the pocket of my princess coat (where I come from acorns are pretty uncommon so I was very excited when I found it years and years ago and it’s stayed in that pocket ever since, even after moving across the country)
* A skipping stone
* Baby Benny tag
* Leather turquoise and copper bracelet I got in Austin when I was 19 on that one trip