Almost ALL my friends are no longer in the same CITY OR EVEN STATE as me. But we still manage to keep in touch. Always look forward to holidays when they visit from college. Don't abandon your friends or think they'll abandon you just because they're not physically there, keep up your closest bros. Literally just TEXT OR CALL THEM!!!! I promise you won't bother them as much as you think.
Jan 29, 2025

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I have friends all over the place and it’s not enough to just like their shit on social media, it’s good to call every couple of months and just have a life check in.
Mar 19, 2024
I moved countries when I was younger and one of the things I've felt super guilty about recently is not being as close to my childhood friends as I used to be, so I have been making the concious effort to reach out again. Not letting go of friendships that you really value is super important I think.
Jan 30, 2025
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A lot of my friends live in a different state than me and I take the train up to see them semi-regularly, which gives me something to look forward to often and makes hanging out feel extra special. I’ve also found that by coming to town local friends are brought together who otherwise may not have seen eachother for a while because life in proximity can often shake out to a “I can always see them next weekend” mentality. Visiting helps to sustain an intentionality to my friendships’ which I like and think is important. Having friends visit is also very sweet and a rewarding experience that makes my heart swell. Additionally, having sleepovers as an adult is rare but sleeping next to your friend and having a coffee in the morning is a top tier experience which is not going to go wasted on me.
Dec 28, 2024

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