This is awesome, found out about it through this rec. its so funny and kinda useless information but still a very strong analysis of empty spaces that are in fact not completely empty
Love the vibes of this channel. My favorite series of his is the “Unremarkable and Odd Places in ___”. He basically finds liminal space type places in popular video games and shows them off, and then muses about life for a while. As someone who barely plays video games, I still find the videos entertaining and oddly comforting. Overall it’s a very chill time.
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Jan 21, 2025
Jan 29, 2025

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I love this app so much. I’ve been trying to find a way to share my media of the week and make it like a whole thing. I was initially thinking of putting it on my moodboard page but this is way cooler. Anyways here’s my media of the week: MUSIC: Arular - M.I.A Thank you to the beautiful Elike for adding a few songs from this album to his playlist. I have severely slept on M.IA - I cannot believe this was the same person who made paper planes. The moodboard of the album is: the bitches, DIY tropicana rave and battery powered sound systems. The cover artwork goes just as hard. My favourite track is Bucky Done Gun. READS: Emilie M. Reed: SNAKE HEAD, SNAKE TAIL I’ve recently stumbled upon this really interesting essay by Emile M. Reed discussing the spacial experience of a computer as it becomes increasingly standardised. How this standardisation doesn‘t invite as much creativity. I find that there are a few rly interesting implications of this in the realm of art and technology especially generative/programmable art. Quote from the Essay: “Jaroslav Svelch frames the cracking, converting, rewriting and distribution of early digital games as creative practices that adjust and expand on the context and experience of these games,” VIDEOS or FILM: IDK yet I haven’t been watching many videos recently so maybe recommend some these ways xoxo
Jan 22, 2024
they write weird, in-depth, data driven, visual essays that i love. the first one i remember seeing was an analysis on ao3 and shipping culture. their most recent was about the differences between sitting and standing jobs.
Nov 21, 2024

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