Love the vibes of this channel. My favorite series of his is the “Unremarkable and Odd Places in ___”. He basically finds liminal space type places in popular video games and shows them off, and then muses about life for a while. As someone who barely plays video games, I still find the videos entertaining and oddly comforting. Overall it’s a very chill time.
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Jan 21, 2025

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I LOVE any austin!!! His skyrim census videos are the greatest
Jan 25, 2025
#realness i love anyaustin, the weird and insignificant places videos are so beautiful
Jan 22, 2025
AnyAustin is great, Memoria (her and AnyAustin have a podcast together) also makes really videos - she made one recently about a guy that made loads of games by himself when he was in his 70’s in the mid-2000’s
Jan 22, 2025
I love any austin! I love how he focuses on incredibly mundane parts of mostly well-known games. He has a series on unemployment rates in game cities, including games in the Mario and elder scrolls Franchises, etc. It seems like such a counter-intuitive thing to focus on when most people make essays about the genre-definining writing, or the first-of-their-kind graphics, or whatever. But it feels like such a nice corner of video media where things don't have to be new and serious- at the same time, his videos feel very genuine, not like they're trying to be overly ironic
Jan 22, 2025

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Jun 22, 2024
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I think it's really cool watching people who i don't know put so much work and time into bettering their life, that their life (or what we see of their life) becomes an aesthetic within itself. I follow a youtuber/BMXer/Photographer/model called Austin Augie somewhat religiously. He is the epidemy of cool. It practically oozes from him. I have been following him since 2015, and everything he does is incredible to me. His music taste His clothes His substance His studio His STYLE
Feb 28, 2025

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