ditched a bedside table and now I have a stack of magazines with my radio on top which looks much better so
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Jan 29, 2025

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I’ve done this for about a year and it’s honestly awful everything is dusty constantly I miss my nightstand so much
Jan 30, 2025
grape completely understandable, think I have a skewed perspective cause I have a v low bed so there’s never any bedside table that works well w it
Jan 31, 2025

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I got a bed frame last month. Before that, I’d spent the last 3 or so years sleeping on a mattress on the floor. I usually read until I fall asleep. I’ll wake back up confused & let the book slip from my fingers back onto the floor. Looking at it honestly, I think this arrangement is a rotten black root of disorder in my life, and I should probably take steps to change course before it’s too late. It’s difficult to find a good bedside table.
Nov 26, 2024
I was telling a friend that I keep bay leaf on my bedside table for good luck and she said she doesn’t have a bedside table? I use mine as a storage space, a coffee cup stand, a bookshelf, a place to put my stuff on when I get home, a notebook holder, a home for my lamps and so on. my drawers are filled to the brim with my little trinkets. I think when you get your own place, a bedside table should be top ten on the list of “need to buy.” my bedside tables mean the world to me?
Feb 29, 2024

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I am recommending rugby shirts to everyone you should be wearing rugby shirts especially if you are a cool guy polos are coming back but I enjoy long sleeves and plus rugby shirts have funky patterns so they are way sicker than most polos i actually have 8 rugby shirts and they are all funky fresh
May 7, 2024