Homies, mayhaps TMI, but is it possible to feel so good after experiencing short-lived and retroactively bittersweet intimacy with a very (not only physically) attractive yet flawed and likely incompatible Bushwick party girl?
I've got a story to tell...
Following an unprecedentedly great Valentine's day date and an equal but opposite (not great) conclusion to things with the girl in question (due to things moving too fast and her not being as interested as I was, as well a curious little cocaine habit she told me about), I have paradoxically been feeling incredible, perhaps better than I've ever felt before for this long a period of time, for about a week and a half now.
The only explanation I've been able to come up with is that I hypnotized myself while talking about this turn of events on the phone with a friend. For context, I am not a woo-woo guy at all, instead maybe the most autistically rational guy I know, but I do fw some Rick Rubin nonsense on occasion (a guy can dream, can't he?). But I think the support of a friend, combined with my own extensive psychoanalysis delivered by me over the phone to said friend, induced an intense feeling of grounded-ness, calm, and clarity which has yet to expire. In one fell swoop, it's like I have just finally corrected my brain chemistry after years, or maybe even a lifetime, of low-grade depression and dopamine problems. I am now totally jazzed to work on personal projects, to invite friends to my apartment, to talk to girls who aren't this girl, to put up with extensive annoyances from the outside world, and to understand that Everything Will Be Alright In The End (Weezer reference).
So yeah, I might be insane, but I'm here to contribute my own experience and suggest that there are cerebral, self-reflective, pseudo-therapeutic solutions (that exist within your own mind) to your pathological mental ills. Ponder long and hard about the things that are sending you on an emotional rollercoaster, dissect them, accept them, and look forward to all other things you are capable of beyond your little emotional stint. Try to hypnotize yourself, and if successful, enjoy the all-encompassing wholeness that awaits.