Actually subscribing and reading newsletters. I‘ve been trying to remove myself from traditional social media platforms and not give in to mindless games and be more meaningful in how I choose to use my devices. As a bibliophile I prefer to only download books as a last resort and prefer physical copies. Thus I was left confused with how to not slide back to instagram etc on my phone and decided to find substacks and other websites beyond mainstream media in my areas of interest to subscribe to and read.
Substack has taken over my daily reading with amazing newsletters by smart people. What newsletters do your favorite newsletters read? This mind-mappy image (see link for more readable version) will give you days of new reading.
I read way too many substacks — 350 plus subscriptions at last glance. I was reading so many that I started a substack about the interesting things I read. Subscribe for a bi-weekly dose of the finest the net has to offer and stay for the occasional guides to specific subjects.
The recommended list to there are some strong examples I read anytime they hit the inbox.
Like literally buy cheap sketchbooks and your fave medium and just start. It might seem ugly and useless in the beginning but think of it as a child going from scribbling to drawing lines and colouring between them. Like who cares if it’s bad. It’s colorful and fun and stimulating without being brain rot levels of overstimulating. Bonus points if you make random shit without using gadgets for inspo or tutorials
Made a very hacky piece of art but I just loved coming up with the concept. The title is a play on the term child’s play which I thought was very apt for this a piece, which encompasses some of my childhood hobbies: art and playing with make up ✨