not many people know them, but they are my favorite band (and have been since 2018!) they're a dreamy weird indie-ish band from denmark that I love so dearly. their music has inspired me in countless ways, and I even wrote a paper about them for my writing intensive class for my college degree.
there's something out how they are able to make such complex music with strange abstract lyrics that is somehow not only accessible but catchy and engaging. I mean, I've been listening to the same seven albums (and many, many b-sides of varying degrees of obscurity) for nearly seven years, and I have yet to grow tired of them.
I am finally going to see them live this may, at one of their final shows. in denmark. just a few weeks after I graduate from my university. it's crazy to think that this band that I have loved for so many years is coming to an end, but even crazier that I will get to see them live in their home city with my best friend who first introduced me to their music. it's such a surreal thing just to think of, I can't even imagine what it will be like to experience it. <3