this song isn't fully instrumental, but go to aboht 4:20 and some of the best music i've ever heard in my life follows suit. it evokes such a deep rooted, primal sensation that builds and releases SO masterfully, and this song has followed me through so much pain and catharsis. HIGHLY recommend.
An astounding sound. It gives me tiny chills.
I've literally had this song in my watch later playlist for two years and I only just listened to it last night and I'm kicking myself.
It sounds like something inevitable is coming and you can't stop it, and it's both strikes fear and awe in your heart. Not like a car crash, but like a tornado, you know?
Japanese Post-rock band. This song is devastatingly good. It literally HURTS to listen to it because it sounds TOO beautiful. I love the video so much too. Not even gonna say more just watch it
or really any social media stories. I know social media is just a highlight of a persons life but I feel like the stories feature is just a bombardment of happening-in-present-time content for me to compare myself to. my mental health has improved drastically.