scala (2023) is a brilliant documentary about the scala cinema in london, and how it influenced a whole generation of creatives. absolutely brilliant film and made me reconsider how i look at movies generally.
while we watched (2022) is the story of a ravish kumar, an indian news reporter trying to fight against the misinformation put out by the indian media and the pressure put on him by the government.
squaring the circle (2022) is a really fun documentary if you’re into your classic rock. all about the group that designed half of the famous album covers from that period, and the story behind the group and the art.
and lastly i’ll say the sparks brothers (2021). just a brilliant display of how filmmaking can be used in a documentary. again, loads of fun, really beautiful shots, amazing lineup of interviewees. i hadn’t even heard of sparks before watching this but i was a big fan by the end.