I’ve been trying really hard not to become an “everything sounds better on vinyl” asshole but IT DOES
Jan 31, 2025

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Can't say I have any personal experience with this, but it's something I've been considering for a bit. The overwhelming abundance and the tinny low-quality sound of digital media is making me crave records. Going full 2010's hipster mode and getting a record player. Warm, full sound and it invites you to sit (or lay down) with the full album. No option for skips and you can get deeper into what you're hearing. You're inspiring me to take the leap.
Feb 29, 2024
- Audio Technica turntables, I think, are some of the best entry-level record players for $200 or under.  The crucial thing--as you have already done--is to avoid trash record players like most Crosley products.  Cheap record players like those will have a poor stylus (the needle) and have a heavy "tracking weight" (the weight of the needle/tone arm on the groove of the record player, which will wear out the grooves and degrade your records.)  Used records that sound beat up are the product of old school record players with heavy tone arms and poor styluses.  However, a solid Audio Technica turntable with a new stylus isn't going to hurt or degrade your records--especially if you have a good sized collection and aren't listening to only the same record over and over and over.  You are off to a good start. - If you are happy with your current turntable but want more out of it in the coming months/years, you might consider buying a new cartridge/stylus.  That can really improve the sound quality of records.  I really like Ortofon; they make high quality products for a good price. - Make sure to buy a stylus brush and record brush to clean your records and needle before playing - With regard to BlueTooth, it's a better idea for sure to use hard cables, but keep in mind that it doesn't really matter in the end; it's really only about what sounds "good enough" to your ears.  I like high quality systems, but I think it's a bit foolish to go crazy trying to achieve perfection as some do (that is, unless you're rich).  Vinyl has a particular sound (not necessarily better to all ears, mind you), and I really like that sound on a solid turntable and a good pair of speakers--that's good enough for me to really enjoy music in a tangible manner with vinyl and everything that comes along with it.  In other words: don't care about what anyone thinks of your system. - With regard to speakers, what are you using? Are you using a receiver and passive speakers or powered speakers?  Concerning the latter, I have cut out the use of a receiver by using audioengine's powered speakers. (A move audiophiles would boo).  I really can't say enough nice things about this brand; I used four of their larger speakers and their subwoofer for my system.  They sound outstanding (from my perspective). - in the future, you might look to purchase a turntable from Pro-Ject Audio.  They make really high quality audio-phile products for a more reasonable price.  ($400 and up roughly).  I believe your turntable has a built in pre-amp, but as you go higher up the chain of turntables, you will have to buy an independent pre-amp (the quality of which can really boost your sound.)  I use a Soundsmith preamplifier. - Concerning purchasing records, there are a few ways to go.  Some people will not purchase a used record if it has any blemish or scratch or is anything but mint.  That's certainly a way to go towards building an immaculate collection; but perhaps less fun.  I am, in that regard, less discerning and more open to used vinyl for good prices.  Make sure to inspect records and avoid anything that has significant scratches (especially one that will make the needle jump); also watch for warped records by turning the record around at eye level.  This being said, if a record only has a few very light scratches or blemishes and no apparent warps; it will probably sound just fine after cleaning.  Indeed, taking this further, I have some pretty beat up records that are noisy, and I still really enjoy listening to them; I hear the years of others' listening and enjoying them in their noise.  (Is it good enough?)  Keep in mind that the quality of the record may still also remain a mystery till you get home and put it on the turntable; you can't always tell whether the grooves are degraded by looking with the naked eye.  This is part of the fun, perhaps in a masochistic sense.  (Also, who will love beat up copies of Johnny Mathis LPs if we don't?  Probably no one.  Maybe just me.)
Feb 29, 2024
so I can still say I'm listening to a record player but I can stream music i don't own on vinyl
Jan 24, 2024

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