nothin' like a good pb&j sandwich! nothin' like it!
(I say, never having liked them my whole childhood and life. But now entering a personal renaissance. Feeling like I could learn how to go camping. Pb&j got me like... yeah, I could pick up hiking.)
I don’t know what to say honestly. They bring light into my life. Bad day: pb&j, good day: pb&j, started my period: pb&j, no time for dinner: pb&j.
When is doubt pb&j it out…
Try it sometime.
sometimes with honey or blackberry jam or Fluff or nothing else. it’s like i’m a child again… but truly no other lunch food can bring me the joy a peanut butter sandwich does…
I am @ looking-thru-office-window age... Used to cringe & see it as a very boring adult tendency to stare at nothing, but I totally get it now... There is so much to see out there. Brain is off.
preaching to the e-choir here I'm sure... but now that brat's out... and it's deliveredddd.... do my friends really have any excuses left for their horrid behavior not wanting to go to the sweat tour with me? (help)
I think :) when I finally become responsible enough to get a dog :) I will name her Dahla. As in Princess Dahla from the 1960s Pink Panther movie. And my dog Dahla will be very very gorgeous, refined, and distinguished… She will be an Italian greyhound.