be queer! kiss everyone! experience gender every which way possible!
i am a boy, i am a girl, i am everything and nothing at the same time and how amazing is that??
to be queer is to celebrate humanity for all it is and can be!
being queer is a solid 100000/10, you should definitely check it out
Gay, queer, lgbtq+ whatever it may be
Donβt get preoccupied by rules that arent set in stone.
Live in the beauty of discovery.
And maybe enjoy marxism too.
mechanics, plumbers, carpenters, artists, teachers,
almost everything we get to enjoy in this beautiful world is thanks to the efforts of the working class and we should show them all our love!
neurodivergency is the best thing on earth and im so tired of pretending it isnt
i sob over nothing! i hyperfixate for hours! im painfully bad with social cues!
i've wasted so many years of my life trying to mask, and for what???
what's so cool about being neurotypical anyway???
i am not something in need of fixing! i am real and whole the way i am!