Feb 1, 2025

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Feb 2, 2025

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My favorite thing in getting to know new people is finding out the things they enjoy that seem a bit out of character. I think itā€™s comforting and a bit sexy when not everything that they like has to be ā€œcoolā€ for them to really enjoy it. Being self-assured and knowing your worth is hot. After all, life is too short to try and shape yourself around a mould that doesnā€™t truly resonate with you. Just enjoy the things that bring you joy without caring if they are basic or lame to others. you can enjoy the band that everyone hates, enjoy the movies that people think are overrated, and wear the shirt that went out of style 5 years ago. true authenticity is a rare trait, always has been. Itā€™s like striking gold when you find that inner peace to just be yourself, regardless of how cringy others find it. Find the peace to like what you like without shame.
Feb 20, 2025
Seems to win people over and feels Truthful to who I am
Mar 28, 2024
What does this mean? To live based on true feeling - without masking. Itā€˜s so odd when you become aware of the distinction between surface level and something more complex. Why not free yourself? Why put on a facade? Become YOU. Fully, whole-y; inside and out. But alas - who are you?
Feb 10, 2024

Top Recs from @archibald

I have a very strong desire for control over every aspect of my life and Iā€™ve never been able to roll with things. Lately Iā€™m trying to let go of this so I can participate in my ā€˜friendshipsā€™, which I have really been neglecting in recent years. Today a friend texted and asked me to go to the farmers market with her. At first I felt scared (lol) and inclined to ignore the message but I decided instead I would agree to go, and within 5 minutes I was in her car with her. It was a total blur and I was anxious out of my mind but I felt very grateful to spend time with someone I love. Iā€™m terrible at conversing but even just to stand beside her was nice. We hugged before parting ways. I am glad that I did this.
Feb 8, 2025
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Absolutely the best book Iā€™ve ever read but it took me, if Iā€™m remembering correctly, over a month to get through. Itā€™s so dense with material I had to reread things over and over to get everything being put together. It has an academic vibe, so if thatā€™s not your thing, you probably wouldnā€™t enjoy. But god, I loved it.
Feb 7, 2025
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The other album Iā€™ve been super into the past few days :-D so gorgeous. Iā€™d never heard of this band before and I still havenā€™t heard their other albums but I feel inclined to listen. They have a really nice sound and the vocalists are both (I think itā€™s just two?) wonderfully talented. Some of the songs make me want to cry some of them make me want to dance
Feb 15, 2025