How important is it that the sun, and its gravity, allow for the revolvement of the earth? Not forcing but allowing the earth to dance. For if there were no sun to be in relation to, the earth would not be able to spin. Because of the sun there is movement of the earth, and it is this that I blame for there also being movement in me.
It's strange though, because there is movement within me only because I possess its idea. Sometimes I yearn to see. If I can only witness something it allows, where can I find this sun? Suppose I need the sun. It's even more strange how the sun lives. It knows no one can miss it and that its presence is undeniable, yet secretly it holds a joke from us: that it is actually everybody who must miss it. Its rays graze my back often knowing I am incapable of turning around.
Since I am incapable of finding the sun I'm left to search for it it in what's tangible. A painting can very easily show me what the sun could look like. Because of this I will frantically search for light within art. Music could effortlessly tell me the rhythm in which the sun's heart beats. Because of this I will drown the fact I cannot come into contact with its actual heartbeat with only human interpretations of it. Finding hints of yellow emerging from man's cheeks, mocking me once more of its existence, and its intangibility. Because of this I will force myself to blush so that maybe I will know what it's like to be lit. But I cannot blame the sun as the enabler of my perception; he is too good. He is good.
The sun is not beautiful, for it is beauty, as it makes others beautiful.