for the sole purpose of being able to gift them to friends at the drop of a hat. bring recommendations to immediate fruition
Feb 2, 2025

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bc it’s better quality and fun to build your own permanent, personal library
Jan 26, 2024
like many of the other responses to this post, I think that having physical copies of media ensures that there is some enduring access. It’s archival. I would also add that having the physical copies enhances engagement with the media. This is of course a privilege bc physical media is usually more expensive than digital, but I do think that consuming Digital media is often more passive. Idk. I love my phone too (and Spotify and the internet archive and Gutenberg project). But after I started collecting CDs and physical books I became very interested in getting as much as possible out of them. listening to the same album in its entirety for weeks at a time. rereading a book (Seriously, I would rarely reread a book before). Also lending the copies to friends is the best thing in the world. Like being able to share and then discus- or even just the sharing. Whether or not you get it back it just becomes a gift. Which is nice. Anyways to blabber on this last point: I don’t think that you always have to personally own and keep forever all of the physical media you accrue. just going to a library does a lot of the same good (supporting local archiving + engaging with stuff my tangibly + media becoming communal). learning that many libraries still have VHS, CDs, and DVDs available to check out changed my life. ya.
3d ago
While cleaning up the shed, my parents and I found some old cd's and a cd rack. We kind of have this idea that whataver is put on the internet will stay there and although, yes things can come back from the deepest or most abandont parts, just like all other things it somewhat decays. So as of now, I got some cd's again (mostly secondhand). I'm not the type who then starts collecting and consuming for no reason. I'll probably get just enough for the rack to be filled. So my rec would be to think of your favourite genres or specific albums (or with any other media) and then get only those in physical media. Now whatever happens, you'll have it, while also not overspending or consuming <3
Dec 7, 2024

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