Trying to dispel the gatekeeper within me by sharing a small (ish?) artist I found a while ago. If you’re into soulful melancholy music that gives you a twist in your gut I highly recommend her album Lucid Dreams ! It feels reminiscent of Lizzy McAlpine’s five seconds flat so if you liked that album, I think you’ll like this one :) ⭐️
Top 3 songs:
1 - The 52
2 - Kansas City
3 - Nightmare Movie
One of my fave pop finds of the last year! If you like Carly Rae Jepsen, you’ll probably dig this. Good lyrics, fun bops, and a healthy dose of the exact kind of melancholy longing that gives me the most satisfying emotional catharsis.
Maybe remove titles from replies feels unnecessary
also, I was writing a long reply and then i exited the app to find my reply gone before i could post it
The app and website is generally slow but I am still rooting for you guys