Zines (yes they are pronounced zeens, like the end of magazines) are independently published works. The simplest format to make them from is from instant zines, made from one piece of paper, folded a few times, and cut only once. I made my first zine in college and through my major (printmaking) I met some upperclassmen who ran zine club. A group where we collaborated, collected, and made zines together. I learned a lot from making zines and helping run zine workshops and running a zoom class during quarantine. And during quarantine again, finding an online zine club where we would make zines and just bitch about life. Anyone can make a zine, just like anyone can make art. They can be just about anything. They can be made from any format, they can be printed or drawn any way. They don’t have to be perfect, but they are the perfect vessel to get your thoughts, feelings, and art out into the world or to just keep it to yourself.
(Linked is brattyxbre’s YouTube channel with tutorials, history of zines, and art. Pictured is my personal zine library which is my most cherished collection)