Mr. Cassavetes is the man who has made me cry the most, isn’t that saying something! Starting ten minutes into the 2.5 hour-long film, I felt my heart slowly sink into my stomach, and by the end I was claustrophobic with such feelings of hopelessness, confusion, and the sting of reality. I cried myself to sleep, I didn’t know what else to do with myself! A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE is worth a watch for all these reasons, and for Gena Rowland’s unmatched and masterful performance, and for these reasons is a movie I must never watch again. Brava!
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Feb 3, 2025

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Omg i was watching yesterday and had to turn it off. It was beautiful but hard to watch
Feb 4, 2025
wow yes one of the best movies ever
Feb 4, 2025

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the drama! for when you need catharsis
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what the hell did they put in this movie? I need it desperately. I need it like an everything bagel with veggie cream cheese on a Sunday morning. I need it like water in my lungs. I need it like I need Age of Consent to play directly following Love Will Tear Us Apart on the dance floor. I need it like two beers to overcome my social anxiety. I need it like the woman I met at that house party last week to text back so we can go out and dance and talk about books again because I long to hear her opinion on literally anything. Safe to say, I need this movie bad. A day on this earth doesn’t pass where I don’t think about this piece of film. The longing. The tension. The colors. The music. The sea. It has it all. I need to be at the sea. You know how they used to send women to the sea for treatment for “hysteria”, like in The Bell Jar or Ammonite or this film. I need that but less in the patriarchal and misogynistic way, but more in like a “I really need to just be close to a body of water for a prolonged period of time and ponder things”. Every time I see the number 28 I think of this film. Every time I look at a classical painting. Every time I hear a French word spoken I am convinced I need to acquire the language so I can grasp this in its true essence. My therapist told me that I am centered around longing, this has always been true, this movie has only amplified that. The lovers path or the poets path which shall I take? I don’t fucking know as long as I can experience a connection half as deep as this. Go watch this movie.
Aug 2, 2024
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