I earnestly feel bad for someone with no sister. I ask their opinion on literally everything and they are criminally honest with me. They are my biggest critics and supporters and I love them dearly. I know I have done well when my sisters say so.
I know it’s not a Real Recommendation like you can’t just get a sister, they don’t grow on trees. But I am grateful to have one everyday😊to have someone know me so deeply and someone I know I can always be my stupid silly self around. it is very wonderful; it feels like having a constant buddy throughout this life. I learn so much from her! I miss her!!! Hi Gigi!!
god i love having sisters. my biological sisters and also chosen life sisters. so important and feels so good to forge deep deep familial love in friendships.
Digital archives, national archives, old movie tickets and photos, notes app archives, old instagram posts or even a big old warehouse. The idea that anything can be worthy of being remembered is beautiful.