life changing stuff i beg and plead for everyone to listen to him. favs are someone asked me how i've been, romance esl, and concentrate. i will die before i stop talking about these tracks.
Feb 3, 2025

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oh boy is this a good one. been on repeat for the last little bit it makes me feel so warm and cozy inside 😊🌟🫎 idk what mic or what effect or whatever he’s using for his voice but golly gee… so crisp so nice. i can feel every instrument deep in my bonesssss and his melodies are probably my favourite ever. yeah. it’s awesome. i will admit that last track being 20 minutes long catches me off guard every time but i listened to it all the way through one time and it‘s magical 🦟 however i don’t think there’s enough adderall in the world that could get me to listen to it in its entirety again
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I don't know if this is a call for help, but I've been exclusively listening to one album for almost two months now. This masterpiece dropped in March, and I've clocked in about 300 listens, but who's counting? We are. Bonus rec, the boys and I have linked our Spotify accounts to to keep track of every song we listen to.Giveon has such a unique, well rounded, really deep voice. This is one of those albums where every song hits for me. Never thought I'd say this, but I think he may have even knocked Daniel Caesar off of my R&B artist throne.
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I know all these other recs were calming and mindful, but I thought I would put this out there cause I’m crazy obsessed. I’ve been his BIGGEST fan for a couple of years now, and knowing there’s more music coming up is the light of my life. If you have a minute, go listen to his new song basic being basic. If you have more than just a minute I would recommend listening to his other albums twenty twenty, and decide. On a broader note, go find new music! A fresh playlist always cheers me up.
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Top Recs from @pinckle

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i neeeed to have a smashed up iphone 7 in my hand right now!!!! there is nothing like it. the sun felt brighter, the air felt cleaner, i didn't know good music yet, i didn't know good movies yet, my brain was just empty. no opinions on anything, all i did was look at screen, cry, sleep, and eat. now i have to do stupid things like work at h&m and be angry at the world. i wanna go on musically and watch jason derulo dance in 2x speed and look like an animatronic. i want to watch the fosters with my mom and be so young and stupid i don't understand what the big deal about callie and brandon is. i wanna be amused by hour long wisdom teeth videos. i want to make friends with random people online that i won't even remember a year later. i want to tell my mom my stomach hurts and i need to stay home from school 4/5 days of the week! give it back!!!!
Feb 3, 2025
i want to be able to see if people are thinking what i am at the exact moment that i think it. same with spotify i think that would be so fun. i don't want to have to leave the source to talk about it.
Feb 24, 2025