one of the worst things. in an ideal world we would be taught how to assasinate internet microcelebrities in our schools.

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So many people put their entire kids' lives online, and it's alarming. Online privacy is already a rare commodity, and when parents post everything about them, they take that choice away from them. I'm sure there are weird effects of poisoning a parent-child relationship with the validation feedback loop of social media too. Also, there are many people out there struggling to have kids of their own that don't want to see that stuff all the time. (Yes, I am very passionate about this topic 😁)
Feb 16, 2025
i read a instagram post (and am also reading all abt love) abt how oversharing on the internet is just a symptom of loneliness and a desire for community and attention and while i agree to some extent i love to Overshare bc i love to share pieces of my life and like to hear niche things from others too. like was it truly necessary for me to post that to the internet forever?? prob not in the grand scheme of things but how special is it that we can share specific memories or moments with each other through the air. maybe you will relate to it maybe not but it’s also nice to share a memory no?
Jan 9, 2025
Open your social media profiles to public scrutiny and confront the global stage like a grown up. Embrace your digital footprint, and hold on to it steadfastly with pride.
Feb 6, 2024

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usually, i find arrowhead to be subpar, but on the rare condition you find yourself incredibly thirsty; arrowhead is simply the best. that first swig will taste like a swim through the most divine rivers of norway.
leaves me wondering, are people actually this mean? this malicious? this evil? is it specifically twitter that brings this out of people; or has twitter conditioned people to be this way, even outside the apps confines. twitter leaves me concerned for the future of humanity.
an unfortunate necessity. incredibly overrated, though to deny it would be ignorance. the best and only way to deal with this fact of life is to spin it into an optimistic thing, which i absoloutely reccomend you do