If your reservations are only rooted in abstract anxiety/self-doubt, and not concrete reason why it wouldn’t be good for you, DO IT!!! If someone thinks you’d be good for an opportunity, believe them
Even if it doesn’t sound like the most exciting plan ever! I think it’s so easy to get stuck in hermit mode if you enjoy your own company. Also it’s nice to be invited to things and the more you say yes the more people will think of you when they’re looking for someone to invite
don't get me wrong - saying no to things is a great practice for setting boundaries and it’s very empowering .. it’s also good to push yourself past those boundaries sometimes. say yes to things more and see how you feel about it after. maybe you’ll find yourself enjoying it a bit too much 🤭
say yes to the date. say yes to the job. say yes to that party invite. say yassss
I’m on an instagram break plus I like you guys more so please enjoy this painting I am proud of. Referencing Bosch‘s garden of earthly delights, specifically the third “Hell” panel ❤️🔥 acrylic and gouache on raw canvas!