Eno is the new documentary about Brian Eno directed by Gary Hutswit. The movie uses a programmed script to show different footage and edit the film in a unique way every single time it is played— no version is definitive, and none will be seen again. You could view that as a gimmick, but the idea runs parallel to Eno’s invention of generative music, and his belief in planting artistic seeds that continue to grow after he lets go.
I’m sure its iterations remain somewhat consistent, because it felt fairly cohesive and thematic to me. But instead of regurgitating his Wiki page at you in chronological order, it focuses on Eno’s artistic philosophy, his singular character and the way he lives his life now. All that with plenty of detours into archival footage featuring recording sessions with David Bowie, Talking Heads, U2, Roxy Music, John Cale, etc. Also he’s really funny.
Easily one of the most interesting music docs I’ve seen.