Well I feel the same, but for me what is working this days is to set a mental timer for it, I'll say "For the next 30 minutes I'll focouse all on this" and it does not mean I will finish it but at least I worked a bit on it and feel less anxious about the progress, little by little you will finish it!
Feb 6, 2025

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Not only carving out specific times for your tasks but also! ----- (!And this was a game changer for me!) ------ set a stopwatch each time you get distracted and stop it when you resume working - try to get that number smaller and smaller as you work throughout the day!
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when the work just seems too big and bad. my therapist told me to do this and it was the only way i actually got myself to finish a project that i had been avoiding and building up in my head. i spent the first 15 minute session with just the goal of writing out my to-do list, and by the end of that i realized that it wasn’t that big of a list after all. so then i did another 15 min, and another. and even though overall i only ended up working less than an hour on the project, it felt great bc i still worked 3x longer than i set out to!! and it felt so much more manageable getting back to it the next day!
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1. (You’ve heard it before, but it’s critical) Set time goals, not accomplishment goals. If I tell myself: ”I’ll get this project done before noon!” and then I don’t, I get disheartened. But, if I say: I’ll do 2 hours before 10am, thats easy! 2. Just break off that first layer of work. Idk what your job is but like for example: simply import the footage. put in one little chunk of data into excel. code 16 lines (is that a lot?) carve one peg. draw just the outline, etc, etc. you get the idea. For me, just getting one tiny part done puts into perspective how fast I could do it, and that helps a lot
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Top Recs from @joomag

I've been painting with markers, random drawings inspired by images, but everything with markers and outlines of black pen.
Feb 6, 2025
I recommend Lisbon because is the capital, and you also have nice beaches there and many good spots to absorb the culture (one of my fav spots is a chill bar with a lot of vintages collection on the walls called “pavilhao chines“ to enter you have to ring the bell or wait for someone to come out) if you had more time I would also recommend Porto (is where I’m from) it has a lot of beautiful spots as well!
Feb 6, 2025