changed my life. blocks trackers and ads! imagine a world w no youtube ads and no pop up ads….. it’s possible and it’s free.
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Feb 6, 2025

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Ok guys I gotta be honest. I'm all for supporting creatives and rightfully paying people for the art that they create, but sometimes I wanna watch a 30 year old movie and I don't wanna pay the 19-whatever-the-fuck Netflix is taxing. Take my advice. Get Brave. It's like google chrome on steroids. Go to a site like Brocoflix (i kid you not lmao) and let your heart run wild. Brave's adblocker is insane. Gone are the days of closing 30 porn pop-ups just to watch Sonic. It's game-changing
Jan 28, 2025
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the best adblocker as far as i'm aware (if there's a better one pls comment and let me know). if you read my last post about diy youtube you know that I take great pains to avoid seeing ads, but this one takes such little effort. everyone should have an adblocker. it's such a no brainer to me but sometimes i watch my friends on their computers and they don't have it. it makes me so confused. you're telling me you watch 5 minutes of ads before watching one dumb ass video?
allows you to install the ublock origin extension on the app. you can browse the internet without ads, including youtube (ive been exclusively using youtube on the firefox app lately)
Apr 22, 2024

Top Recs from @emmyg

i stay up late a lot of the time for no reason other than to keep the doors of the day open to potential, but i’ve started taking melatonin gummies and magnesium (also preferably gunmies) at like 10pm and just putting myself to bed and it actually rocks. it does not make me feel like i wasted my night the way i feared it would and my future self is always happy i did it if the m&m gummies don’t cut it i also recommend a weighted blanket and some background noise (i like podcasts about things that are only marginally interesting to me. last night i learned about the economics of bubble tea idk)
Sep 28, 2024
Apr 9, 2024
very scary but essential if we ever want to break free of the prison of dating apps….. can’t keep sitting on tinder while all the hotties pass you by….. step 2 is saying something to them but we r working our way up to that
May 11, 2024